The monthly Lunch & Learn series offers brief insights into various aspects of Open Science.

The events take place online on Zoom over lunch. They always start with a half-hour input presentation at 12:00 p.m. and close with an open Q&A session until about 1:00 p.m.

An overview of all events can be found in our program. The presentations can be downloaded in the overview below after each event.


Registration: Please register for the events of your choice below. UZH-external interested parties are kindly asked to register via "Gastzugang" or use the Zoom-Link for participation.

Zoom link for all events: link for participation

You can download the programm here: Lunch & Learn Program 2024

Slides of past events



22 February 2024 Nationale und internationale Herausforderungen für Open Science: Wo stehen wir an der UZH? [download slides]
Christian Schwarzenegger, Prorektor Professuren und wissenschaftliche Information UZH
21 March 2024 Critical FAIRness or Is FAIRing CAREing? Open Science in Practice-Based Research in Art and Design [download slides]
Patrizia Munforte, Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
09 April 2024 Das Hybrid Open Access Dashboard: Wie ist der Stand der Open-Access Transformation wissenschaftlicher Journale? [download slides]
Najko Jahn, Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek
24 May 2024 Data Stewardship at the UZH: Investing in Data Quality [download slides]
Susanna Weber, Open Science Services, University Library UZH
18 June 2024 Elsevier, Data Kraken
Eiko Fried, Leiden University
The presentation slides and a recorded webinar will be made available here as of October.
21 August 2024 FAIR Use of GPT-Generated Data in SSH Research: A Practical Guide [Presentation]
Max Hindermann, Universität Basel, Research Infrastructure & Support



24. Februar 2023 Wie lernt eine Universität offene Wissenschaft praktizieren? [download slides]
Manuela Höfler & Katherine Hermans, Open Science Geschäftsstelle UZH
08. März 2023 Open Access and Plan S at the SNSF: What's happening? [download slides]
Tobias Philipp, Swiss National Science Foundation
05. April 2023 Rights Retention in support of academic authors [download slides]
Sally Rumsey, cOAlition S
11. Mai 2023 How to publish for free: Diamond Open Access in Switzerland [download slides]
Daniela Hahn, Projekt PLATO UZH
08. Juni 2023 Der grüne Weg: Ein Beispiel eines Begrünungsprojeks in ZORA [Präsentation herunterladen]
Elisabet Sondell, Universitätsbibliothek UZH
24. August 2023 Funder requirements and publishers' conditions [download slides]
Suzanna Marazza, CCdigitallaw
07. September 2023 Scholar- and community-led Ansätze des wissenschaftlichen Publizierens [Präsentation herunterladen]
Rebekka Kiesewetter, COPIM / Open Book Futures & Centre for Postdigital Cultures
23. Oktober 2023 Citizen Science Zurich: Citizen Science, Co-creation and SDGs [download slides]
Rosy Mondardini, Citizen Science Zurich
13. November 2023 Pre-registration & Registered Reports: How to improve the credibility and reproducibility of your research [download slides]
Evie Vergauwe & Caro Hautekiet, Université de Genève & Swiss Reproducibility Network
05. Dezember 2023 Bye bye Elsevier! Der Weg zu Platinum Open Access am Beispiel der Zeitschrift SComS [Präsentation herunterladen]
Silke Fürst, UZH & Philipp Bachmann, Hochschule Luzern



25. Februar 2022 Die UZH in der Open-Science World: Von der Policy zum Kulturwandel [Präsentation herunterladen]
Manuela Höfler & Katherine Hermans, Open Science Geschäftsstelle UZH
31. März 2022 Funder requirements and publishers' conditions [download slides]
Suzanna Marazza, CCdigitallaw
06. April 2022 Open and FAIR data [download slides]
Rachel Heyard, Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention Institute UZH
11. Mai 2022 HI-FRAME - Measure what really matters: A framework for Open Science professorial hiring [download slides]
Mihaela Falub & Karin Gilland Lutz, Office Gender Equality and Diversity UZH
08. Juni 2022 Open Access: Why, when and how? [download slides]
Torsten Hothorn, Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention Institute UZH
29. August 2022 Rights Retention Strategy [download slides]
Ross Mounce, Director of Open Access Programmes, Arcadia Fund
27. September 2022 Promoting my own research with altmetrics (in German) [Präsentation herunterladen]
Sabine Klein, Universitätsbibliothek UZH
27. Oktober 2022 Dealing with image rights in publishing [download slides]
Suzanna Marazza, CCdigitallaw
07. November 2022 Sensitive data in the Social Sciences and Humanities [download slides]
Alexandra Stam & Pablo Diaz, FORS Swiss Center of Expertise in the Social Sciences
08. Dezember 2022 Wie gründe ich eine Open-Access Zeitschrift? [Präsentation herunterladen, Video ansehen]
Margit Dellatorre, Universitätsbibliothek UZH